Thornton, Ella May. Georgia Women, 1840-1940: A Record of Achievement. Atlanta: n.p., 1941.

NOT = Reference Work, Pamphlet

TOC: Mrs. Alice McLellan Birney; Mrs. Maud Barker Cobb; Mrs. Rebecca Latimar Felton; H. Augusta Howard; Mrs. Anne Wallace Howland; Madam Octavia Walton LeVert; Mrs. Mary Ann Rutherford Lipscomb; Mrs. Passie Fenton McFabe Ottley; Mrs. Juliette Gordon Low; Mrs. Mary Thomas Lumpkin; Alexa Stirling; Mary L. Telfair.

See p139.

cf. earlier collections of Georgia women in 1920s-1930s by Blair, Felton, Nevin, Reed.

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