Ahlers, Lena C. Daughters Known to Fame. Chicago: A. Whitman, 1932; 1942. New York: A. Whitman, 1935.

TOC: Jane Addams; Louisa May Alcott; Susan B. Anthony; Amelia Barr; Clara Barton; Sara Bernhardt; Josephine Bonaparte; Rosa Bonheur; Charlotte Brontë; Elizabeth B. Browning; Alice Cary; Phoebe Cary; Cleopatra; Fanny Crosby; Charlotte Cushman; Virginia Dare; Madam De Staël; Mary Baker Eddy; George Eliot; Esther; Fanny Fern; Barbara Frietchie; Lucy Page Gaston; Felicia D. Hemans; Julia Ward Howe; Anne Hutchinson; Hypatia; Jean Ingelow; Queen Isabella; Helen Hunt Jackson; Joan of Arc; Helen Keller; Lucy Larcom; Jenny Lind; Mary Lyon; Marie Antoinette; Mary, Queen of Scots; Maria Mitchell; Lucretia Mott; Florence Nightingale; Ouida; Elizabeth Stuart Phelps; Molly Pitcher; Pocahontas; Adelaide Proctor; Betsy Ross; Ruth; Sacajawea; Anne Howard Shaw; Kate Shelley; Elizabeth Cady Stanton; Harriet Beecher Stowe; Celia Thaxter; Queen Victoria; Martha Washington; Emma Willard; Frances E. Willard; Ella Flagg Young.

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